God Isn't Blindsided By This

Posted on Oct 07, 2024 by Jenny Bender

Weather can be so sporadic and unpredcitable.We've seen that first hand over the past week. Hurricane Helene took so many of us by surprise and found us completely unprepared.  

Life can be a lot like that sometimes, can’t it? Things are smooth sailing and all of a sudden, you’re faced with a storm or a struggle that you never saw coming. Your marriage crumbles. You lose your job. Your kids turn wayward. The fog of depression sets in and weighs so heavy. You find yourself drowning in debt, wondering how you got to this point. Maybe you're facing repairs or rebuilding after an actual storm. The list goes on... 

Troubles are part of life. Jesus told us they would be. (John 16:33) People and circumstances are unpredictable. Things change. Feelings change. Emotions fluctuate...but God never does. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. (Hebrews 13:8) God wasn't blindsided by any of this. The storm that you’re facing right now was not a surprise to Him. Not only was He not surprised by it, but He already had a plan in place to get you through this –and GROW you through this.  

Just like the beautiful growth of colorful flowers & greenery that follows a storm in nature, the Lord has something beautiful waiting for you on the other side of this storm. (Romans 8:28)  

In the meantime, while you’re riding the storm out, remember that you’re not riding it out alone. He loves you, He is with you and He is still good even when life isn’t. You can praise Him in this storm.  

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