Odell Bunton, Jr.
Takes American Idol To CHURCH with Powerful Maverick City Music CoverOdell Bunton, Jr., was one of three singers on this season of American Idol who was awarded a platinum ticket, meaning he got to skip the first round of Hollywood Week. But this week, the top 20 got narrowed down to top 14, and Odell didn't make the cut, angering many viewers and fans. Before being eliminated, Odell left it all on the stage during a "Sing-Off" round, and he used that moment to take everyone to CHURCH. As one person commented online, "Odell doesn't need this show; he's got Jesus!" What an incredible gift that Odell has been given, and even greater that he's using it for God's glory. Maverick City Music gave Odell their stamp of approval & reposted the video of his powerful performance, saying, "Odell Bunton Jr. did an incredible job taking American Idol to the throne room...#WeLoveToSeeIt"